Know Your Customer: 10-Day Market Definition Crash Course
Step-by-step guide to get to know your customer better than they know themselves in 10 days
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You create a product. Launch it. And crickets.
Or you post content all the time and nobody comes to read it.
Either way, your problem is the same - you don't understand your customer at a DEEP and PROFOUND level.
- What keeps them up at night.
- What problems are they STRUGGLING to have answers to
- How do you connect with them at an EMOTIONAL level
Ramit Sethi, the author of the best-selling book "I Will Teach You to Be Rich", says he spends 80% of his time on customer research. Most people just skip this process and think people will start buying from them.
Wrong. No one cares about you. They care about themselves.
So in 10 days, my goal is to give you each step to get to know your customer better than they know themselves. In the process, turning them into DESPERATE buyers.
This is ACTIONABLE and I'll show you where to go and what do to each day
Follow this simple program and you can use what you find in every ad you put out, every blog post you make and every course you put out.
The applications of this knowledge are truly endless and the information you gather here will power your business for the next 2 years.
Click the “Enroll in Course” button, top right, now...learn the 10 day step-by-step strategy that you can implement TODAY to deeply understand your audience...don’t waste any more time struggling to sell your work!

I am looking for to start my online business and I was quite sure of my content but now I understand that knowing deeply my customers will help me more for a long term strategy. Thank you. - Paulette Ngo Itjibi
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Course Curriculum
StartMethod #1: Thousands of public reviews and feedback (4:37)
StartSample Screencast - Method #1: Interior Design Business (12:28)
StartInterior Design Sample - Completed
StartInterior Design Sample - Recap (7:50)
StartMethod #2: Steal the best secrets from your competition (4:34)
StartSample Screencast - Method #2: Online Income Blog (7:52)
StartOnline Income Sample - Completed
StartOnline Income Sample - Recap (8:02)
StartAction Item: Kindle Marksman Worksheet
StartAction Item: The Great Heist Worksheet
StartBonus Material: The Yellow Brick Road Worksheet